Wellness Packages 

At Genesis PT & Wellness we offer a wide range of services to help you feel more like you again.

These packages are designed to help women stay well and to fill the gap in the care (or lack there of) women receive in these key phases of life.

Wellness is the key to prevention.


Other packages and payment plans are available. Contact us to find out more!

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The Prenatal Wellness Package

Women receive upwards of 15 prenatal visits with their healthcare provider throughout pregnancy. Too many symptoms are written off as normal during pregnancy; pain incontinence, and muscle tension can be common but are never normal. We can help you thrive during pregnancy as well as optimize your labor and birth outcomes.

The Prenatal Wellness Package includes:

- Six in-office follow up visits

 - Genesis Birth Class and FREE Printed Birth Class Workbook 

The Postpartum Wellness Package

Once baby is finally earth side, the standard is ONE postpartum medical check-up. This is good and necessary, however, our current medical system is missing a huge part of the postpartum experience and doing these new mothers a disservice. Our therapists will come alongside you & ensure you're functioning well, moving well, and healing well.

The Postpartum Wellness Package Includes:

- Six in-office follow-up visits

- Access to our Move Through Motherhood Postpartum program


The Menopause
Wellness Package

This package is for any woman who is going through the peri-menopausal stages, or has just come through it, and is looking to improve upon her associated symptoms! As pelvic floor therapists we are trained in treating menopause related conditions such as genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), as well as other whole body issues. We help fill a void in current health care and are valuable resources for women who are seeking guidelines and treatment to effectively manage and resolve their symptoms for overall improved wellness and quality of life!"

The Menopause Wellness Package Includes:

- Six in-office follow-up visits

- 3 virtual hormone coaching sessions with Dr. Jen

The Prenatal + Postpartum Wellness 


This package brings together our prenatal wellness bundle and our postpartum wellness package, offering the MOST SAVINGS to support you in thriving throughout pregnancy, optimizing your labor and birth experiences, and ensuring you function, move, and heal well during the postpartum phase.

The Prenatal + Postpartum Bundle Includes:

- Twelve in-office follow-up visits to be spaced throughout your care under your therapist's guidance

- Genesis Birth Class and FREE Printed Birth Class Workbook 

- Access to our entire Move Through Motherhood program


Genesis Birth Class

Join us for the Genesis Birth Prep Class taught by our Genesis Therapists & Doulas!

Come along with your spouse/support person to learn hands-on techniques for a better birth experience. 


Find our more and sign-up at the link below!

Note: this class is included in our Prenatal Package, and our Prenatal + Postpartum Bundle Package!

Sign up here

Interested in finding out more about pricing?

Download our Pricing Sheet today!

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Thank you for visiting our website. Contact us and we will get you scheduled for your evaluation. We can't wait to work along side you.

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