Craniosacral Fascial Therapy & Dynamic Body Balancing

Craniosacral and Fascial systems are not separate, but one interconnected system.
How does fascia get tight?
All of us have experienced trauma --- difficult birth, surgery, accidents, falls, concussions, dental work/orthodontics, and emotional trauma, to name a few. Starting from birth, traumas accumulate and can create strain and toxicity in the craniosacral fascial system, restricting critical brain motion. Damage to the craniosacral fascial system can affect the flow of cerebrospinal fluid which helps nourish and detoxify the body and brain. It can also limit range of motion, and cause a host of other ailments.
*Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on technique that targets the craniosacral system, which includes the membranes and fluids that surround the brain and spinal cord. This therapy involves light touch, focusing on releasing tensions in the head, spine, and pelvis to promote relaxation and healing. CST can be applied to both infants and adults, offering a range of benefits for various physical and emotional conditions.
*Dynamic Body Balancing is a form of craniosacral therapy. It involves gentle, hands-on manipulation of the body’s muscles, ligaments, and fascia (connective tissue). DBB is unique in that it incorporates motion into the treatment, such as gentle rocking or rhythmic movements, to encourage the body to realign itself. The goal of DBB is to release any structural imbalances, whether in the spine, pelvis, or joints, and to enhance the body's natural ability to heal. This technique can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions and is suitable for people of all ages, from infants to adults.
What is Dynamic Body Balancing?
Dynamic Body Balancing (DBB) techniques are grounded in the same in-depth cranial anatomy and physiology as other schools of training in CranioSacral Therapy. With the addition of Myofascial Unwinding and Biofield Therapies, DBB has become a beautiful form of hands-on therapy that restores balance to the mind, body and spirit. The primary difference from other similar forms of work is the application. In most cases, DBB techniques are performed with the client in the “position of injury”, which is primarily seated or standing. Clients in these positions will quickly and actively allow their bodies to re-enact an injury and will move in a gentle dance with their facilitator as their tissues begin the process of restoring a state of balance and harmony within the cells of the body. Emotions stored in every cell involved in the release are allowed to surface and the client is encouraged to “breathe out” the “molecules of emotion” that no longer serve them. Spontaneously releasing negative emotional and physical energy patterns in a self-directed, sequential pattern will lead to a more permanent resolution of long term pain and dysfunction. Removing the restrictions of gravity by initiating the release from an upright position accelerates the healing process. This saves the client time and money; something we all can appreciate. Another difference in DBB is the additional training related to pregnancy and pediatric care.
How does CFT help?
Our brains have an inherent motion of expansion and contraction which optimizes the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Any restrictions or damage to this motion can greatly affect our health and wellbeing. CFT techniques are designed to gently unwind and release accumulated fascial strain. This allows optimal mobility and better brain function. When the Craniosacral Fascial System is loose and open there is free flow of cerebrospinal fluid to help nourish and cleanse toxins.
What is it used for?
- Pregnancy: uterine ligament balancing, pelvic floor tension, labor prep
- Labor: pelvic opening, uterine ligament balancing, and uterine contraction efficiency.
- Postpartum: pelvic outlet closing, fascial integrity, recovery
- Birth trauma
- Tongue tie, lip tie, oral tenison
- Asymmetrical head shape
- Torticollis
- Inability to latch
- Difficulty sucking
- Difficulty swallowing
- Reflux
- Colic
- Constipation
- Indigestion
- Earache
- Crawling patterns
- Bedwetting
- Stridor
- Strabismus
- Asthma
- Airway
- Sinus conditions
- Mouthbreathing
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Autism
- Learning disorders
- Headache
- Scoliosis
- Migraine
- Concussion
- Whiplash
- Pain (acute or chronic)
- Joint Pain
- Range of motion
- Tension
- Scars
Dr. Hailey brings a wealth of experience in infant development and rehabilitation, as well as perinatal and pelvic floor therapy, which significantly enhances the effectiveness of her treatment approach. Her deep understanding of infant reflexes, motor milestones, oral tethers, breastfeeding, and the physical and emotional changes during pregnancy and postpartum allows for a holistic treatment process. By focusing on both mother and baby, Dr. Hailey aims to reduce health impairments and improve overall quality of life, positively impacting multiple generations.