Why Every Endometriosis Patient Needs Pelvic Floor Therapy

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting 1 in 10 women. It is where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. It had been found on all parts of the body, not just inside the pelvis. Symptoms can start before puberty and worsen with trauma, stress, changes in hormones and medication, and pregnancy. The only way to truly diagnose endo is via a laparoscopic procedure. Researchers are working on non-invasive methods for diagnosis. Excision surgery by a specialist is considered the gold standard of treatment at this time, but it is recommended to take a multidisciplinary approach via alternative therapists such as pelvic floor therapy, acupuncture, nutrition and environmental changes, counseling, and mindfulness.
Pelvic floor therapy plays a crucial role in the healing process, whether you opt for surgery or not. Genesis provides education on healthy bowel and bladder habits, techniques to make intercourse pleasurable and non-painful, managing chronic aches/pains that come with this condition, plus working through approaches for trying to conceive (TTC), if that is your goal. Our pelvic floor therapists provide excellent, holistic care via understanding your condition and treatment options, using a variety of manual therapy techniques, pain science education and management, and referrals to recommended providers. We provide pre and post-op care to assist you in preparing for surgery and recovery which may include: diaphragmatic breathing techniques, lymphatic drainage, cupping, dry needling, pelvic therapy tools, and returning to school, work, and/or intimacy. At Genesis, we acknowledge endometriosis is a full-body, systemic condition. We collaborate closely with other like-minded professionals to help provide you with the best care.
While there is currently no cure for endometriosis, pelvic floor therapy is a must to help manage your symptoms to enjoy doing the things you love and live your best life!
Current theories on why endo occurs: Embryonic origins (found in fetuses), genetic factors, environmental factors, risk increases 7-10x higher if mother/sibling/aunt has endo, “retrograde menstruation” has been debunked
Red flags for endo: menstrual pain, heavy menses, pain with ovulation, pelvic pain, pain with intimacy, bladder pain/frequency/urgency/IC, pain with bowel movements/IBS/digestive issues, low back or thigh/leg/nerve pain, nausea, fatigue, anxiety/depression, fertility issues, family history of above symptoms.
Commonly related conditions: adenomyosis, fibroids, PeVD, PCOS, IC, IBS, polyps, pudendal neuralgia, hypo-mobility of joints, anxiety, depression
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